
Dina Abdel Hamid El Hadary-Middle East Delegati
MAJOR CATEGORY WINNER: Women are capapble of doing so many things to change the world.
1. Introduction

Once they told me that helping people is a gift from God and if you do not appreciate it, it will be taken from you and given to someone else. This is why I’ve been trying for years to give as much time and effort as I can to put a smile on faces who need it.

2. Background

It all started when I was in school, I was in a French school, and I joined the girls scout . Then, I learned that if we look all around us, we will find people who need help but cannot ask for it.

We used to visit orphans, sick, poor and elderly people to try  help them. We did so through fund raising activities like charity bazaars. Sometimes we just visited and chatted with them to offer them comfort  and let them feel that someone is there for them.

At 19 I got married and I had two lovely girls who are the sunshine of my life. Then I had problems in my marriage, and because I was still very young, inexperienced and fragile, I was a very weak, unhappy young mother who  needed support from my parents and  friends. I needed something or someone to give me some relief and comfort. I thought that just as much as I need people’s support, there must be some others who need help and support from me.

So I started thinking  outside the box: about other things and other people than myself , and this gave me the strength to go on with my life and try to solve my problems which , I noticed , started reflecting on my girls.

 So as soon as they went to school I decided to take up  teaching as a career that would give me the opportunity to  work with children and try to make a difference in their lives.

I worked at the same school with my girls and because I loved my job I became successful in teaching and I was very popular among my students. I was always close to them  , especially teenagers and their families, which made me a close friend to all of them . They considered me as someone they can talk to and trust. I loved going to trips with them and  joining them in their activities .However, this was not enough for me as I wanted to give more; so, I decided to start  community service activities in school and I recalled what I used to do in my school  when I was young.  After some time, I felt how my students enjoyed doing this and how it changed their personalities and taught them all about empathy and about counting God’s blessings.

Now, I am the assistant principal of the school and I am responsible for all its activities and events.

On orphan’s day, we brought 100 orphans to school and we celebrated  the day w