Prizes for Winners of the Case Competition
The Hot Mommas Project Case Competition beta launches October 13, 2008. Case writers can edit their
cases through January 31, 2008 12 pm midnight EST. This is a preliminary list of honors and prizes,
so be sure to check back frequently and/or
RSS our blog.
First place prize winner will receive:
Case published in a leading Prentice Hall textbook,
Featured in 2 other major media outlets,
A $1,000 SEPHORA shopping spree/gift card,
An Apple TV courtesy of OnSalePromos, corporate and promotional gifts,
“She Showed No Fear When the Battle Came” Mixed media framed art work by
Morten Fadum,

A Beijo Bag (Featured below),

Hot Mommas Project SWAG bag including David and Goliath
“Chicks Rule” items (featured below), and other great goodies.

First and second runners up will receive:
Case published in a leading Prentice Hall textbook,
Featured in 2 other major media outlets,
A $300 & $200 SEPHORA shopping spree/gift card (respectively),
A Beijo Bag,
Hot Mommas Project SWAG bag including David and Goliath
“Chicks Rule” items, and other great goodies.
Top 10 scoring cases beyond the top three winners will receive:
A $100 SEPHORA shopping spree/gift card,
Hot Mommas Project SWAG bag including David and Goliath
“Chicks Rule” items, and other great goodies.